
Focuson Entertainment Stocks

Spotlight on Carmike Cinemas Inc.: “We bring big city entertainment to smaller cities,” said President and Chief Executive Michael W. Patrick. “Many secondary markets were being neglected.” The advantage of that strategy? By seeking out smaller markets ignored by larger theater chains, Carmike is the only exhibitor in more than half of its venues. That practice has translated to the bottom line: Revenue has increased an average of 19.5% a year over the last four years while profit rose an average of 21.6% a year.

Major Properties

* Theaters: 388 with 1,563 screens in 254 markets in 25 states

* Innovations: IQ Zero, a state-of- the-art computer that tracks payroll, admissions, concession sales, inventory

* Smallest market: Blackfoot, Ida., population 9,646

Financial Data

* Market capitalization: $109.3 million

* Cash: $16.8 million

* Long-term debt: $107.4 million

* 1992 revenue: $172 million

* 1992 profit: $6.1 million

* Earnings per share: $0.80
