
FOR WHOM THE TOLL? Three toll roads...

FOR WHOM THE TOLL? Three toll roads are planned for south Orange County by the end of the decade, but not everybody is happy about it. . . . A recent poll by the County Transportation Authority shows that 60% here oppose toll roads. But Mike Stockstill of the County Transportation Corridor Agencies is convinced attitudes will change “once drivers have the choice of being stuck on the freeway or paying a toll to save 15 to 20 minutes off their commute.”

HIS TURN: When the Ms. Foundation for Women organized a “Take Our Daughters to Work” day in April, the people at Cypress-based PacifiCare Health Systems noticed something missing--the boys. The company has organized a “Take Our Sons to Work” day. . . . More than 100 young men, ages 10 to 16, will spend much of today seeing the managed health care operation. The main idea, a spokeswoman says, is to help them “explore possible careers in health fields.”

BONUS OF SUCCESS: For 20 years, San Clemente poet Diane Gallegos has written mainly for her own enjoyment. Now one of her pieces has been selected by the National Library of Poetry to be included in its annual anthology. And that has led to an invitation to an international poets gathering in Washington in August. . . . Gallegos is excited, but still writes for pleasure: “Poetry is an inspirational thing for me. People identify with it. I know we are all more alike than we are different.”


RESPECTING HER: The official five-day mourning period for former First Lady Pat Nixon ended for the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace on Tuesday with a total 25,000 visitors, 10 times its normal count. . . . “We thought Sunday would be busy because it was the day after the funeral, but when we went to open the doors Tuesday morning, there were 600 people already waiting in line,” says spokesman Kevin Cartwright. Pat Nixon was laid to rest in the shadows of Nixon’s boyhood home.
