
Their Dispute Is Cut Off at the Pasta

Boys will be boys regardless of age. That was underscored when two British golfers, playing in the French Open, threw food at each other at a pizzeria.

Russell Claydon started it when he squirted lemon juice at Mark Roe, who retaliated by tipping a bowl of pasta over Claydon’s head.

They were fined $150 apiece.

“That’s the most expensive dish of pasta I’ve ever eaten,” Roe said.


Trivia time: Which player has won the most Wimbledon titles, including singles, doubles and mixed?



News bulletin: A “downtown fund” operated by alumni was disclosed at the University of Washington.

“Several athletes said they had received money from the fund in addition to the income from college jobs,” the Associated Press reported.

The year was 1956.


Fun anyway: Danny White, coach and general manager of the Arizona Rattlers of the Arena Football League, told USA Today:


“I haven’t quite figured out what this is--basketball, football, hockey or whatever. But it’s a heck of a game.”


Relentless: Trent Tucker, a reserve player with the Chicago Bulls, talking to Dan Barreiro of the Star Tribune of Minneapolis about his famous teammate, Michael Jordan:

“When I first came to the team, I learned fast you had to come prepared because if you are not, Michael will cut you up. He is not going to take pity on you. He won’t hesitate to score 50, or 60 points--in practice.”



My way: Pitcher David Cone of the Kansas City Royals, talking to Bob Klapisch of Sport magazine on his philosophy of the game:

“They say the more low-key you are, the better chance you have at sticking around baseball. It has never been my intention to stay around long, or be low-key. I’d rather burn out than fade away.”


FYI: Archie Williams, the former University of California athlete who died recently, won the 400 meters in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. He was also the world record-holder at 46.1 seconds.

However, according to David Wallechinsky’s “The Complete Book of the Olympics,” Williams never ran faster than 49 seconds before the 1936 season.


Trivia answer: Billie Jean King, with 20.


Quotebook: Ray Ratto of the San Francisco Examiner on San Diego Padre owner Tom Werner: “Maybe he just bought something without having a firm idea why he wanted it.”
