
IRVINE : School Board OKs $94-Million Budget

Irvine Unified School District board members last week approved a $94-million budget for the 1993-94 fiscal year.

The budget, about $3 million larger than last year’s, keeps funding for most educational programs. But it calls for about $1.2 million in cuts that will affect everything from teacher salaries to school bus service.

About 65% of the proposed cuts will by realized through a reduction in future salary increases for teachers, which the teachers’ union agreed to earlier this year.


Cuts will also be made in the administrative and clerical staffs, where several vacant positions will remain unfilled.

At the board meeting, members agreed to set aside $200,000 to implement some of the recommendations of the Safe Community Task Force, a committee of residents and city and school officials that explored ways of reducing youth crimes.
