
Help May Be a Phone Call Away for Those in Midst of a Crisis

SPECIAL TO THE TIMES; Mary Laine Yarber teaches English at Santa Monica High School

I get a lot of questions from students, parents and readers about services aimed at children’s and teen-agers’ problems.

Not surprisingly, some problems are more common than others, including drug and alcohol abuse, physical and sexual abuse, and thoughts of suicide.

I have put together a list of telephone numbers for services that seem to be most successful in guiding kids and parents to get the help they need.


Bear in mind that there are hundreds of useful services around the county; the numbers listed here are those that I think have the most up-to-date information and referrals to additional agencies, and convenient hours of operation. Most offer toll-free numbers and caller anonymity.


First there are what I call the “general” talk lines because each addresses a variety of problems and offers referrals to other more specifically focused agencies.

For example, try the California Self-Help Center at (800) 222-5465, the California Youth Crisis Line at (800) 843-5200, or the Youth Crisis Hotline at (800) 448-4663.


For general counseling and information from other teen-agers, call TeenLine at (213) 855-HOPE.

For bilingual counseling and referrals to agencies all over the county, call InfoLine, at (800) 339-6993.

Runaways--and those who are thinking about running away from home--have a couple of excellent services: Runaway Hotline at (800) 231-6946, and the California Youth Crisis Line.


Gay, lesbian and bisexual runaways can turn to the L. A. Gay and Lesbian Community Service Center’s hot line at (213) 993-7450.


To resolve a drug or alcohol abuse problem, a good first step may be to call Palmer Drug Abuse Center at (800) 367-2727. It provides counseling and referrals to other organizations that are the most appropriate for each caller’s problem.

The 12-step programs for drug and alcohol abuse are gaining popularity and respect for helping teen-agers. Find out about the programs’ formats and locations by calling the Alcohol and Drug Program InfoLine at (800) 564-6600.

The Westside is especially fortunate to have the headquarters of the Clare Foundation and its various drug and alcohol abuse services. Its most novel feature is the Graffiti Coffee House, which offers comedy, live music and other entertainment in addition to referrals for counseling. Call Clare’s Graffiti Coffee House at (310) 314-6244.

Teen pregnancy is on the increase in our nation, so knowing how to prevent and cope with it is crucial.

For information and counseling about birth control, pregnancy and options for coping, try Planned Parenthood: (213) 226-0800.


For another view on similar topics, try the Right to Life Hotline at (310) 395-1111.

Help with an unplanned pregnancy can also be found at Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services at (310) 836-1223.

For more general health concerns, try the Venice Family Clinic at (310) 392-4147; it offers general health care at minimal cost.


AIDS is increasing among adolescents more sharply than in any other portion of the U.S. population. Teen-agers and others can get fast, up-to-date, medically sound information and counseling about AIDS from the National AIDS Hotline at (800) 342-AIDS, and from a hot line operated by AIDS Project L. A. at (800) 922-2437.

Other problems that I am asked about fall into my miscellaneous category:

For suicide prevention help, call the Suicide Prevention Center Line at (213) 381-5111.

The Santa Monica Rape Crisis Center can help with rape, molestation and other kinds of sexual assault: (310) 319-4000.

Youths 23 and younger who are troubled with questions about sexual orientation can find counseling in talking to the Gay and Lesbian Youth Talkline at (213) 462-8130, or (213) 993-7450.

This telephone list is by no means all-encompassing, but if these agencies can’t address the problem you need help with, they will lead you to ones that can.


And, since I am constantly updating my list of youth-oriented health and social services, please write to me about any of which you know. I may include them in a future column.
