
Metal Detectors Set Off Debate

Responses were gathered by Trisha Ginsburg

No one disputes the increase of violence on high school campuses; disagreement comes in discussing solutions. To keep handguns and knives off school grounds, some officials have suggested metal detectors such as those used at airports. High Life wonders: “Should metal detectors be installed in schools as a security measure? Why or why not?”

“To be really safe, yes. There have been three stabbings at my school since I’ve been there. If they had metal detectors, people wouldn’t be getting hurt like they are now.” Emily Baker, 15, sophomore, Buena Park

“No, because that violates a person’s rights.” Erin Glick, 15, freshman, El Toro

“If a metal detector could make me late to class, then heck yeah.” Rachel Campbell, 15, sophomore, Los Alamitos


“It depends how they set it up. I might say no, because it’s a hassle. But it might be nice to ensure security that way.” Mike Siegel, 15, sophomore, Ocean View

“No. It’s an invasion of privacy. There are other ways to handle school problems.” Carrie Peroutka, 17, junior, Fountain Valley

“Yes. If they have a problem with a kid and suspect that (he has) a gun or something, they can use the metal detector.” Amber Pierce, 15, freshman, Los Alamitos


“It depends where. In Irvine, no, but in Los Angeles and places like that, yes, because of accidental shootings. Where I go to school, I don’t see any of that stuff.” Brodie Hylton, 16, junior, University

“No. At my school, the weapon problem is not really bad. People just need to be responsible enough not to bring them.” Adam Freilich, 15, freshman, Fullerton

“A plan should be set up with the City Council to decide if there are definite problems in a specific school. The student council of that school should then vote. Personally, though, I don’t think metal detectors are necessary or effective.” Jarrett Nixon, 16, sophomore, Tustin


“If it has to be done, then yes. Some schools need it, some don’t. The kids bring it upon themselves!” Gretchen Connelie, 15, sophomore, Los Alamitos

“Yeah, I guess so. They’re for our safety, so I’m for it.” Chris Lopez, 16, sophomore, Ocean View

“Yeah, sure. It’ll keep kids from bringing guns, knives, et cetera, to school.” Kevin Shaw, 14, freshman, Los Alamitos

“They should be. A lot of violence could be avoided by use of metal detectors. There are good and bad points to it: Some people carry guns for protection; some take advantage of their freedoms. It wouldn’t bother me if they put in metal detectors at all.” Deanna Irvine, 15, sophomore, Fullerton

“If (school officials) have problems, yes. If they haven’t had any, no.” Lindsay Gordon, 15, Freshman, University

“People are people; school is school. What happens, happens. If they don’t use metal weapons, they’ll use wood or plastic ones.” Elizabeth Root, 16, freshman, Los Alamitos


“Yes, because all students should feel safe. If you feel you’re in danger because kids are carrying guns, then metal detectors should be put in.” Aaron Levine, 17, junior, Dana Hills

“No. I’d rather have a cute young female teacher frisk me.” Chris Hecht, 17, junior, Los Alamitos

“No, because schools should trust the kids. If the school says not to bring weapons, they should trust the kids not to bring them.” Henry Gelb, 16, sophomore, Ocean View

“No, because by taking away all the freedoms that students have, they’re expecting too much. Everything has metal. You might as well have police strip-search every student before they go to class.” Ed Aaron, 17, junior, University

“There are some schools that would probably need them, but ours doesn’t.” Lance Callahan, 16, junior, Los Alamitos

“Although metal detectors are necessary and might help cut down crime in most inner-city schools, I can’t help but wonder if metal detectors will cut out all crime. In every school, no matter what the restrictions you put on something, it’s going to find its way into the schools somehow.” Andrea Cano, 16, junior, Los Alamitos


“No. It’s an invasion of privacy. I see their point, but it’s wrong to put everything through a metal detector.” Rachel Amsterdam, 15, sophomore, Fullerton

“Why don’t you just put us in prison and give us all lobotomies?” Susan Sinclair, 18, senior, Los Alamitos

“No, because we don’t have any violence or anything at this school. If we had metal detectors, it would bring more violence than take it away. We’re not like South-Central L.A. or anything.” Phorn Sothisom, 16, sophomore, Los Alamitos

“No, because weapons aren’t a problem around here.” Richard Centeno, 15, sophomore, Ocean View

“Yes, because there are a lot of people out there who carry guns and knives to school, and it’s dangerous.” Galit Modiano, 15, sophomore, Brea-Olinda

“Yes, because it wouldn’t inconvenience the students, but at the same time it would help with the problems of weapons.” Heidi Altman, 15, sophomore, Sunny Hills


“Yeah, because they’re cool-looking and they’d detect if the kids have any weapons, so that the weapons could be confiscated without being used.” Adam Jorgensen, 14, freshman, Los Alamitos

“I don’t think so, because going to school shouldn’t be like being arrested. You are not being tested for warfare, you’re supposed to be getting an education.” Deval Shroff, 16, sophomore, Sunny Hills

“If we didn’t have people who brought guns to school, we wouldn’t need metal detectors. But since we do, we need some kind of security measure.” Melyssa Lansman, 16, sophomore, Fullerton

“They wouldn’t let me in if they put metal detectors in my school.” Kevin Foss, 15, freshman, Los Alamitos

Next Week’s Hot Topic: What do you usually do on Saturday night?
