
Compton : Trustee Leaves College Post to Become City Attorney

The seat on the Compton Community College District Board of Trustees that was vacated last week by Legrand H. Clegg II will probably remain empty until the general election in November, officials said this week.

Clegg was named city attorney in Compton following the death last month of Wesley Fenderson Jr., who had held the position since 1980.

Clegg was a college trustee for 12 years and previously served as assistant city attorney, an appointed position. Under state law, one official may not hold two elected positions, such as city attorney and college trustee.


He leaves the college board after a year of upheaval at the college revolving around an audit that found $500,000 in federal funds had been misspent. The audit led to the firing of former President Warren A. Washington.

Board President James Carter also is up for reelection in November.
