
Montebello : Impact of Train Station on Neighborhood to Be Studied

The City Council hired a consultant Tuesday to determine the effect of a proposed Metrolink station on a Montebello neighborhood.

The council voted 4-0 to hire David Evans and Associates of West Covina to conduct the environmental study for $18,000 to $25,000. Councilman Arnold Alvarez-Glasman was absent.

A preliminary study is expected within three months, Mayor William M. Molinari said. A more detailed environmental study could take up to five months.


Residents fear the station would draw commuters from surrounding cities onto their streets, resident Larry Salazar told the council.

The council already has agreed to support the station and in April set aside $1 million to buy property for the station from Chevron Corp.

The station would sit on eight acres at 601 S. Vail Ave., next to the Union Pacific railroad, according to a city report. The station would include a platform and a parking lot that could accommodate 800 cars.


Montebello would be one of five stops on the 58-mile line that will run between Riverside and downtown Los Angeles. Stations in Montebello and Pomona are scheduled to open in July, 1994.
