
Long Beach Schools : Students Get Teaching Tips at Daylong Workshop

More than 70 Long Beach students who want to become teachers listened to pep talks from educators, practiced classroom teaching and tested their knowledge of techniques during Celebration of Teaching Day events earlier this month.

The participants were sophomores, juniors and seniors enrolled in courses on teaching at Lakewood, Millikan and Wilson high schools.

The day’s events, at the Signal Hill Community Center, included a talk by Kerrill Kephart, a Poly High English teacher who won a 1992 national teaching award from the Disney Corp. Kephart emphasized the importance of training future teachers and showed students video clips of interviews with award-winning educators.


The students also visited a local elementary school to sit in on classes and present their own lessons.

The daylong workshop was sponsored by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, a nonprofit, New Jersey-based organization that funds teacher recruitment and training programs.
