
Shirley Husband, president of the San Gabriel...

Shirley Husband, president of the San Gabriel Valley District of Women’s Clubs, presented scholarships to Doris Chacon and Reva Shakkottai from Duarte High School; Stacy Irene Bunten from Charter Oak High School and Maria Elena Jimenez from Northview High School. The scholarships were awarded for outstanding academic accomplishments.

Chacon also received a Teen Citizen of the Year award for demonstrating good citizenship and leadership responsibilities.


A team of students from Kranz Intermediate School in El Monte won the countywide Los Angeles Times Passport Geography Contest for the third year in a row.


Through reading newspapers, students learned about a new location each day. At the end of the eight-week project, teams had to submit a written essay.

Tho Bui, Jerry Dang, David Ta, William Thang and Eugene Wong won for their essay on the Shetland Islands and the disastrous effects of the oil spill on the environment.
