
Review of Helicopter Rescue Bills Ordered

Searching for ways to increase revenues, Los Angeles County Supervisors on Tuesday ordered a review of the billing practices of the Fire and Sheriff’s departments’ helicopter ambulance services.

Supervisors also asked Chief Administrative Officer Harry Hufford to examine the feasibility of transferring billing authority from the two departments to the county’s treasurer-tax collector or to a private contractor that would be more aggressive in collecting payments for helicopter rescues.

The departments began charging a user fee of nearly $1,400 per rescue in December to help offset costs. But a Times review of billing records revealed that the Sheriff’s Department has collected only about $9,700, or about 5% of the bills it has sent out in the last six months.


“The county can’t afford to provide these services,” Supervisor Edmund D. Edelman said.

Hufford will report back to the board in two weeks.
