
HUNTINGTON BEACH : New City Budget Cuts $5 Million

The City Council this week made about $5 million in cuts in programs and services as it unanimously adopted a $195.4-million budget for fiscal year 1993-94.

Bob Franz, deputy city administrator, said the cuts included reducing the Police Department budget by $900,000 and eliminating training and conference expenses.

Mayor Grace H. Winchell said the Police Department reductions will not affect police services to the community.


Among other reductions, the council decided to close community centers on Saturdays to save $12,000; curtail supervision and surveillance of the city beach after 11 p.m. during the summer for a savings of $94,000; eliminate eight full-time and 15 part-time positions; delay tree trimming and lengthening the maintenance cycle for parks to save $89,000; cut back on purchases of new library books to save $52,000; and reduce maintenance operation expenses, such as graffiti removal and curb and gutter repair, for a savings of $84,000.

Winchell said the council also directed the staff to re-examine some of the cuts “to see if there are areas where we can cut other things or raise revenues.”

Instead of approving a staff-recommended increase for residential trash collection and disposal--from $12 a month to $12.72--the council raised fees to $12.20, which will reduce revenue by $250,000, Franz said.


However, the council did approve other measures to raise revenue. For example, parking meter rates in the downtown and beach areas will be increased.

Other fees were approved in concept only and will return to the council for formal action at a future meeting.
