
Jail Visitor With Guns, Bomb Held

A 50-year-old man trying to visit an inmate at the Peter Pitchess Honor Rancho in Saugus was arrested Sunday after sheriff’s deputies found two handguns and a homemade bomb in his camper, authorities said.

The weapons were found in Clyde Bowser’s camper about 10:30 a.m. during a random search of vehicles near the jail’s main visiting area, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Angie McLaughlin said.

Deputies first found the two guns--one of them loaded--then detained Bowser so they could thoroughly search the camper, and found the bomb inside a refrigerator, McLaughlin said.


Sheriff’s explosives technicians said the bomb could have caused serious injury if it had exploded. McLaughlin did not know how the device was made or whether Bowser intended to use it at the jail.

Bowser was being held in lieu of $60,000 bail on suspicion of possessing a destructive device and bringing firearms into a jail, McLaughlin said. The bomb was taken to the sheriff’s explosive range, where it will be destroyed.
