
GARDEN GROVE : Panel to Evaluate Zoning Matters

A new city committee was formed this week to help evaluate planning and zoning matters that often create disagreement between the Planning Commission and City Council.

“They deny, we approve. Looks bad,” Councilman Ho Chung said.

Chung cited several instances when planning commissioners denied petitions for variances and other business-related petitions only to the have the council overturn the denials.

At Tuesday’s council meeting, a request for a sign variance that was denied by the Planning Commission in January was heard and approved by the council. During the five months between decisions, the applicant spent money and many hours preparing for the appeal, city officials said.


“We need more close communication to save time and money for applicants, businesses and the city,” Chung said. The new committee “will help streamline the whole application and permit procedure.”

The committee, approved on a 4-1 vote by the council, will include Chung, a planning commissioner, a city staff member and two Chamber of Commerce representatives.

Councilman Robert F. Dinsen, who voted against forming the committee, said: “I don’t see that there’s anything that’s going to be gained. I just don’t see any point.”


However, Planning Commission Chairwoman Lee Butterfield said: “If (the committee) clears things up for people and makes the process go faster, then it’s OK by me.”
