
Crimes Reported to the LAPD

The number of reported crimes by precinct from Jan. 1 through March 31.

* numbers = 1993

Plain numbers = 1992

Burglary Theft from auto from auto (forced (vehicle Burglary entry) open) CENTRAL BUREAU Central 469* 640 1109* 1412 125* 147 Hollenbeck 438* 608 492* 557 167* 168 Newton 677* 671 526* 543 221* 257 Northeast 879* 830 683* 652 225* 237 Rampart 737* 875 896* 1015 328* 325 SOUTH BUREAU Harbor 566* 570 404* 607 172* 214 Southwest 605* 652 642* 799 228* 272 77th 760* 658 338* 359 277* 259 Southeast 594* 624 230* 344 285* 259 WEST BUREAU Hollywood 808* 786 1455* 1468 176* 255 Pacific 790* 688* 1258* 1157 256* 224 West L.A. 567* 613 960* 1093 222* 208 Wilshire 794* 899 850* 946 223* 281 VALLEY BUREAU Devonshire 848* 838* 624* 863 197* 246 Foothill 621* 724 382* 411 171* 193 North 701* 809 843* 850 252* 254 Hollywood Van Nuys 1049* 991 1037* 1007 302* 264 West 1019* 1208 1018* 11178 246* 290 Valley Total 12,922* 13,684 13,747* 15,261 4,073* 4,353

Auto theft CENTRAL BUREAU Central 323* 384 Hollenbeck 838* 935 Newton 924* 1062 Northeast 1195* 1119 Rampart 1344* 1425 SOUTH BUREAU Harbor 716* 780 Southwest 925* 1095 77th 745* 1029 Southeast 576* 596 WEST BUREAU Hollywood 1254* 1294 Pacific 1119* 1241 West L.A. 1027* 902 Wilshire 1366* 1606 VALLEY BUREAU Devonshire 1015* 1238 Foothill 781* 837 North 1262* 1236 Hollywood Van Nuys 1419* 1544 West 1165* 1222 Valley Total 17,994* 19,545
