
School to Offer Choice of Child-Care Programs

Oak Park’s newest elementary school will attempt a novel approach with two organizations that want to offer before- and after-school child care: survival of the funnest.

The Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District and the 10th District PTA-S.T.A.R. program will be allowed to offer competing programs at Red Oak School, Assistant Oak Park Supt. Stan Mantooth told the school board this week.

The school is scheduled to open in September.

He said that in two surveys, parents of future Red Oak students voted for both programs in almost equal numbers, persuading administrators to offer both.


“If there is a little competition, I think that’s healthy,” Mantooth said.

A third proposal from the Triunfo YMCA received few votes and was dropped from consideration, he said.

Rancho Simi is the public agency that manages parks in Oak Park.

It is building a playground and park next to the Red Oak School that will be open in September, 1994.

The S.T.A.R. (sports, theater, art and recreation) program is based in Los Angeles.

The programs are designed for working parents to leave their children before and after normal school hours.
