
LA CRESCENTA : Little League Coach Charged in Drug Case

Drug charges have been filed against a Little League coach and his girlfriend a week after police allegedly seized cocaine from the couple’s La Crescenta home.

Michael Joseph Benedetto, 38, and Shannon Burris, 31, face one count each of possessing cocaine for sale, according to court documents filed Thursday in Glendale Municipal Court.

Each is free on $50,000 bond, and each faces a maximum of three years in prison if convicted, Deputy Dist. Atty. Lawrence McGrail said.


The suspects’ attorney, Garrett Zelen, accused police of prejudicing the case before trial.

“I would say the police in this matter are engaging in a smear campaign against an upstanding citizen (Benedetto),” Zelen said. “He’s completely innocent.”

Crescenta Valley Little League officials have placed Benedetto on temporary suspension, pending the criminal case. League President Chris McReynolds said he has sent a formal letter to Benedetto notifying him of the action.


Benedetto was one of three coaches for a T-ball team for 7- and 8-year-old boys and girls and a softball team for 13- to 15-year-old girls. His children also play on those teams. Benedetto has not appeared at two of his teams’ games this week, McReynolds said.
