
Countdown to Election Day : 3 Days Left in the L.A. Mayoral Campaign

THE DAY IN REVIEW How the mayoral candidates spent their day: With Richard Riordan in New York to attend his mother’s funeral, both campaigns took a break from nasty personal exchanges and sought to portray the candidates as crime victims’ friends.

Michael Woo produced one of the doctors shot in last February’s attack on a County-USC Medical Center emergency room to bolster his call for local gun control.

The Riordan campaign countered with former Los Angeles Police Chief Tom Reddin, Bill Violante, president of the Police Protective League, and three crime victims critical of Woo for not doing enough to make the streets safe.


Campaign spending reports were released showing that Riordan, who has heavily subsidized his campaign from his personal fortune, has spent $4 million on the runoff compared to Woo’s $1.9 million.

AIRWAVES / MAILBOX How the campaign was waged in the realm of advertising:

Woo sent out a mailer to Latino voters featuring his Latino supporters, most notably County Supervisor Gloria Molina. Woo also sent out a brochure attacking Riordan for his association with convicted junk-bond king Michael Milken.

COMING UP Some of the key events on the candidates’ schedules today: * Riordan was scheduled to return this morning to resume campaigning. His only public event is a 2:30 p.m. rally at his Hollywood headquarters at 6666 Hollywood Blvd.


He will also be preparing for a Sunday night debate--the first live television encounter between the candidates.

* Woo’s campaign was unable to provide a schedule.
