
LOS ANGELES COUNTY : Mobile Vans to Offer AIDS Tests to Substance Abusers

Moving to combat AIDS cases among substance abusers, the Board of Supervisors has funded a $946,000 program which will bring the first mobile centers for HIV/AIDS testing and counseling to the county.

The new program, approved this week, begins July 1 and will send five mobile vans to substance abuse treatment centers throughout the county.

“This will be the first time there will be mobile units providing HIV tests,” said John Schunhoff, AIDS program director for the county Department of Health Services. Services will include free and anonymous testing, counseling, referrals to health services and education on how to keep from acquiring and spreading the deadly virus.


Funding for the service will go to Valley Community Clinic in the San Fernando Valley, AltaMed Health Services Corp. in the San Gabriel Valley, the Cal State Long Beach Foundation in the South Bay area, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in South-Central Los Angeles and the Minority AIDS Project in central Los Angeles.
