
List of Casualties in Uffizi Bombing

From Associated Press

A list supplied by the Uffizi Gallery in Florence of artworks destroyed or damaged Thursday.

Paintings Destroyed:

Gerrit Van Honthorst (also known as Gherardo Delle Notti) “Adoration of the Shepherds.”

Bartolomeo Manfredi, “Card Players” and “Concert.”

Paintings Damaged:

Sebastiano del Piombo, “Death of Adonis.”

Peter Paul Rubens, “Henry IV at the Battle of Ivry,” “Portrait of Philippe IV of Spain.”

Claude Lorrain, “Port With the Villa Medici.”

Gianlorenzo Bernini, “Head of an Angel.”

Artemesia Gentileschi, “Judith and Holofernes,” “Saint Catherine.”

Guido Reni, “David With the Head of Goliath.”

Gherardo Delle Notti (Gerrit Van Honthorst) “Supper With the Lute Player.”

Rogier Van Der Weyden, “The Entombment.”

Gregorio Pagani, “Piramo and Tisbe.”

Cristofano dell’Altissimo, “Portrait of Giovanni Della Casa.”

Bartolomeo Manfredi, “Tribute to Ceasa,” “Dispute With the Doctors.”

F. Rustici, “Death of Lucrezia.”

Bernardo Strozzi “Parable of the Wedding Guest.”

Empoli, “Still-life” and “Still-life.”

Rutilio Manetti, “Massinissa and Sofonisba.”

G. B. Spinelli, “David Celebrated by the Children” and “David Placates the Wrath of Saul.”

Renier, “Scene of a Game.”

School of Caravaggio, “Disbelief of Saint Thomas” and “Liberation of Saint Peter.”

Valentine, “Dice Players.”

Borgognone, “Battle of Radicofani.”

M. Caffi, two paintings titled “Flowers.”

Statues Damaged:

Hellenic Art, “Dying Niobe.”

Roman works, “Head of a Young Man.”

Copy of Roman-era statue “The Discus Thrower of Myron.”
