
Countdown to Election Day : 14 Days Left in the L.A. Mayoral Campaign


How the mayoral candidates spent their day:

Richard Riordan laid claim to the law-and-order stamp of approval, as the city’s police union announced it will not only endorse him, but also will send off-duty cops stumping for him door-to-door.

Last-minute campaign mudslinging began in earnest as Riordan blamed rival Michael Woo’s campaign for a rash of swastikas on his yard signs, and Woo asserted that Riordan had been late several times in paying his business taxes.

Despite an admitted lack of proof, Riordan said he holds Woo responsible for the swastika defacements because Woo has been running “bigoted” ads linking Riordan to right-wing religious fundamentalists. Woo supporters, meanwhile, brandished public records on eight tax liens or notices of delinquency filed during the past 15 years against Riordan, companies he was associated with or trusts for which he served as a trustee.



How the campaign was waged in the realm of advertising:

Riordan’s business record is the subject of new mailers from both camps. Woo, in his first mailer since the primary campaign, sent out a brochure seeking to portray Riordan as a junk-bond dealer and friend of Michael Milken who has thrown thousands of people out of work. Riordan sent out a mailer saying that as a businessman he has created thousands of jobs.


Some of the key events on the candidates’ schedules: * Riordan press conference at 10 a.m. with Sheriff Sherman Block at the Los Angeles County Jail, 441 Bauchet St.

* Woo press conference with the Rev. Cecil Murray of First AME Church at 11:15 a.m. at the church, 2270 Harvard St.


* Woo speech at 12:15 p.m., Jewish Federation Council, 6505 Wilshire Blvd.
