
The Voters Giveth and Taketh Away

Thank you voters! You have said, by your vote on the school facilities bond issue, that children and their education are top priorities to the Arcadia Unified School District voters. The impact of that vote is already having an effect on our teachers and staff.

Teachers and staff have been working diligently and vigorously to improve curriculum and teaching techniques in spite of repeated budget cuts caused by underfunding of education by the state. They now feel their efforts have been validated and appreciated.

Staff that was already invigorated with planning for the district’s reconfiguration are elated with the realization that the buildings and classrooms will be modernized and rehabilitated.


Your votes of support for our schools plus the celebration of our own Pann Baltz--teacher at Camino Grove Elementary School, being named California’s teacher of the year--and the Arcadia Educational Foundation’s raising of its first million dollars in support of Arcadia’s educational programs put this district “on a roll.”

Thank you for your votes and your continued belief in the importance of our children and our schools!


Vice president, board of education

