
No One Says Anything Nice About the Dodgers

As much as some sports pundits like to blame Fred Claire for the Dodgers’ woes, it’s time the real culprit emerges from hiding and assumes his massive share of the blame. Tommy Lasorda, step forward from behind your public affirmations of support for Fred Claire. You know it’s you who cannot tolerate rookies and their constant need for attention, tutelage, leadership--all those things outside empty platitudes that you seem totally incapable of manifesting.

Now, even Peter O’Malley is forced to cover up for Lasorda, blaming the Dodgers’ woes on bad draft choices. Let’s face it, Tommy Lasorda is barely a .500 manager. If, as he says, opinions are like noses because everyone has one, that may indeed be the reason behind the Dodgers’ downfall. The brass has listened to Lasorda’s opinions too many times.


Los Angeles
