
U.S. Mobilizing Support for Bosnia

Let me get this straight. We mobilized the support of all the countries in Southeast Asia when we bombed Vietnam and Laos. We mobilized the support of all the countries in the Caribbean when we went into Grenada. We asked for and got the support of all the countries in Central American when we plucked Noriega from Panama.

We definitely got support from Islamic countries when we went after Saddam Hussein. That is why Secretary of State Warren Christopher is jetting all over Europe to get the European support so we could help Bosnia.

In the meantime, people in Bosnia die because we are debating whether our allies in Europe will do anything because it’s primarily a European problem.


It’s the “New World Order--Stupid.” The good ole U.S. is the only dominating military power that can get the job done and we certainly can twist some arms to make them see it our way provided we want to.

So, Mr. President, time for talk is over. Let’s do what you promised to do and let’s save some lives.

USMAN MADHA, Culver City
