
Santa Monica : Activities Center Opening

The city of Santa Monica Police Activities League will celebrate the opening of its new $1-million facility at 4 p.m. today in Memorial Park, 14th Street and Olympic Boulevard.

PAL offers educational, cultural and recreation programs to children 6 to 17, with a special emphasis on helping at-risk youth. About 300 children participate each week. Classes include dance, computer instruction and basketball. The center is staffed by two police officers and community volunteers.

“PAL’s objective is to build positive relationships between youth, the police and the community,” said PAL director Patty Loggins.


Formerly located in Virginia Park eight blocks away, the new center features computer-filled classrooms, a dance/aerobics room, an arts and crafts room, a lounge with a pool table and video games and a full-size gym. The popular boxing program will continue to be offered in Virginia Park. Shuttle service will take children from Virginia Park to the new center.

The grand opening will be attended by city officials and celebrities. Refreshments and tours of the facility will be offered. Information: (310) 392-7673.
