
Escondido Canyon Homeowners: Racists or Realists?

I was quoted out of context in your May 6 story on Escondido Canyon access problems, with the result that my views are seriously misrepresented.

The context of my “racism” reference was only that one individual objected to school bus access over Winding Way, by saying: “You bring them in from East L.A., don’t you?” Indeed, the conservancy’s Recreational Transit Program does bring children and seniors from throughout Los Angeles County to the Santa Monica Mountains. We are proud of this and it is part of our legal charter.

But I and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy recognize that the unfortunate comment of one person should not be considered representative of the community around Escondido Canyon.


Concerns about safety and legality of access are perfectly justified. There are serious access problems that need to be addressed. We will work with local residents to ensure the safety of our neighbors on Winding Way and Via Escondido and to protect the natural resources of the canyon.



Edmiston is executive director of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy.
