Respect Comes Before Parenthood
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* The article “When Boys Become Dads” (May 7) confirms what many of us who work with teen-agers already know. “Just Say No” does not work. “Safe Sex” does not work. “Planned Parenthood” does not work. Why? Because adolescents believe they are invincible. We hear, “It will never happen to me!” The statistics, however, prove differently.
Rather than just saying “no,” we need to encourage students to say “yes” to respecting themselves and their friends. The only “safe sex” is abstinence. “Planned parenthood” always happens best in the context of marriage. Our teens need to realize that godly morality is not an avenue to boredom or frustration. Rather it is the road we travel to healthy community and fulfilled personhood.
Youth pastor
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
Newport Beach