
LOS ANGELES : Boy Gets Implant of Lung Lobes Donated by Parents

A 13-year-old cystic fibrosis patient received portions of his parents’ lungs Thursday in the second such transplant in history.

Chad Morris of the Kern County community of Fellows was “running out of time,” said Dr. Vaughn Starnes of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. Morris was listed in critical condition.

The seventh-grader underwent surgery at Childrens at 7:30 a.m. as his parents, Gary and Coleen Morris, were doing the same at USC University Hospital, hospital spokeswoman Maria Iacobo said.


The parents’ lobes were taken by ambulance to Childrens, then implanted into their son’s chest, the spokeswoman said. The parents were expected to be released from the hospital within 10 days.
