
VENTURA : Booths Available for July 4th Street Fair

The city of Ventura is accepting applications from groups or individuals interested in reserving space at the city’s 18th annual Fourth of July Street Fair.

The one-day celebration, which spans more than nine city blocks, usually attracts 50,000 visitors, said Faye Campbell, the city’s special events coordinator.

About 35 food booths and 500 arts and crafts booths are available, Campbell said. The fair runs along Main Street between Fir Street and Ventura Avenue. Some booths are also stationed along California and Santa Clara streets near Main.


Applications for food booths will be accepted through June 1. Restaurants and nonprofit organizations, particularly those from the Ventura area, will be given preference, Campbell said. The arts and crafts booths are available on a first-come, first-served basis, she said.

Food booths cost $50, plus 10% of anything earned in excess of $300. Art booths cost $93 on Main Street and $68 on the two side streets with no requirement to share proceeds with the city.

“It’s an extremely popular event,” Campbell said of the fair, to be held July 4. “People come to buy the arts and crafts and food and listen to music.”


For information or a booth application, call the city’s special events office at 654-7830.
