
Santa Monica High School Sex Survey

Regardless of how many parents and community members protest the content of the RAND sex survey, don’t expect to see the Santa Monica-Malibu Board of Education back down one inch. They don’t have to listen to parents or anybody else from the general public.

For each voter who knows what’s going on in our public schools, there are probably 10 who are ignorant and simply vote for the renters’ rights candidates. (Someone may ask, “Why would there be renters’ rights candidates for school board--What’s the connection?” Answer: This is Santa Monica--don’t expect logic.)

Since 1984, no one has been elected to the school board without backing from Santa Monicans for Renters’ Rights (two non-SMRR incumbents were reelected). All seven of the current board members were on SMRR slate cards.


What parents think about how their children are being educated does not concern this school board. Even if parents pull their kids out of public school, as many are, it’s not a problem for the Santa Monica-Malibu district. As long as Los Angeles schools are in such disorder, empty slots in our district can always be filled by “permit kids.”

It’s not that the school board doesn’t want to hear anything from the parents and community. The board does want to hear two things:

* 1. How much of our money we will give the schools.

* 2. How much of our time we will volunteer.

Rather than “put up or shut up,” our school board expects us to “put up and shut up”--and they will continue to do anything they damn well please.


Santa Monica
