
Church to Serve Mother’s Day Meal

David J. Feit is the new music director at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Anaheim. He also conducts a local community chorus, the American Pilgrim Chorus.

The church will host a Prime Age Health Screening Fair on Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Physicians from Martin Luther Hospital will conduct the free screenings and advise about test results.

The church is at 2580 W. Orange Ave. Information: (714) 828-1077.

Orange County Religion Notes is published on Saturdays. Send the item at least two weeks before the event to Orange County Religion Notes, The Times, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa Calif. 92626. Telephone calls cannot be accepted. Because of space limitations, The Times cannot guarantee that all notices will be published. Items must include subject, telephone number, event date, time and exact address.
