
Time to Stand Up for Our Libraries

Once again, our top-heavy, waste-fabricating bureaucracy has us believing that there is not enough money for libraries, etc. (“Cuts Put Libraries in a Real Bind,” March 25). As a perfect example, one only has to read on to “Plan to Cut Car Allowance Called Futile” and translate the whiny excuses (special employment contracts) county officials have for maintaining their disgustingly high car allowances that cost the taxpayers $752,000 annually. To me, it translates into only one thing: power and greed.

No doubt $752,000 could go a long way in filling up the “spare change” buckets of county libraries. It’s way past due to cancel the contracts! Where are our priorities? Why are cuts from the top always the last to be considered? Cuts in libraries and schools hurt our children and only lead to more crime.

I commend (Supervisors Roger R.) Stanton and (Gaddi H.) Vasquez for their proposal and urge them to continue with more cuts from the top of the bureaucratic jungle.



Mission Viejo
