
WOODLAND HILLS : Grocery Store OKd Despite Objections

Los Angeles city planning commissioners Thursday approved plans to build a grocery store at the corner of Ventura and Topanga Canyon boulevards, despite protests from neighboring merchants who complained that their businesses will suffer.

The grocery store was a compromise between the developer, Ventura Topanga Partners, and the Woodland Hills Homeowners Organization, which sued last year to block construction of an office complex that included two 13-story towers.

Although it appeared the project would encounter no difficulty when it came before commissioners earlier this month, neighboring merchants complained that the market would restrict access to their shopping center and strangle their businesses.


The claims sparked a brief argument before commission President Theodore Stein ordered both sides to negotiate and come back when a compromise is reached. So Ventura Topanga Partners on Thursday agreed to leave open gates that previously were locked.

But attorney Benjamin Reznik, representing the project’s opponents, said he probably will appeal Thursday’s action to the City Council.
