
PORT HUENEME : City Hopes to Buy Large Navy Parcel

The Port Hueneme City Council has unanimously approved an effort to obtain federal legislation that would give the city exclusive rights to buy a 33-acre parcel of Navy-owned land next to the Oxnard Harbor District.

The land will become vacant in October when the Navy closes a laboratory on the site. The council hopes to get Congress to override a law that gives first priority for such unneeded land to federal uses such as prisons and homeless shelters.

Port Hueneme officials have been meeting with Navy personnel and Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley) to draft the legislation. An official with the Navy’s real estate division in San Bruno recently said the Navy wants to sell the land to the city.


“Our first step is that we have to get legislation introduced in a timely way,” said Tom Figg, the city’s community development director. “Until then, there will be no planning, aligning or arranging of the financing for the land.”

Harbor district officials also have expressed an interest in the property, but Figg said the city is alone in pushing the legislation.
