
STUDIO CITY : School Launches Earth Day Programs

Car-poolers to the Harvard-Westlake School in Studio City will earn a special reward today: a scoop of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

The incentive is designed to get students involved in Earth Day observances and help them learn more about the environment, according to Abby Close, who helped organize the event.

“I am very interested in the environment and this is one way to get other people involved too,” Close said. “We want to educate and raise people’s awareness.”


The group also plans to raise money and write letters of protest to corporate polluters.

Students will sell plastic mugs bearing an Earth Day logo to discourage the use of throw-way plastic and paper cups in the cafeteria. A year-round, 5-cent discount will be given to students using the mugs.

Student-designed Earth Day T-shirts will also be sold. Profits will go to the Monteverde rain forest in Costa Rica and the World Wildlife Fund’s Adopt-a-Whale program.

“We’re really excited that we’re going to make a difference inside and outside our school,” Close said.
