
BURBANK : Police Begin Using Sophisticated Copter

Police are now able to conduct night surveillance over Burbank and Glendale from the cockpit of one of the nation’s most sophisticated police helicopters.

“We can approach closer without them being aware of us,” said Capt. Thomas Hoefel, head of the Burbank police uniformed division.

The Notar helicopter, made by McDonnell Douglas, has a top speed of about 175 m.p.h. and does not have a tail rotor--making it quieter and more flexible than a conventional helicopter.


The Notar was bought by Burbank in December for about $975,000. It has been used for regular patrols for two weeks. The Glendale Police Department was the first law enforcement agency in the nation to get one of the helicopters when its City Council bought a similar craft in July.

Burbank and Glendale police departments also began sharing night air patrols of their cities this month Wednesdays through Saturdays from 3:45 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., Hoefel said. Burbank helicopters also fly on Tuesday nights. The two cities share hangar facilities at Burbank Airport.

Burbank has three police officers and a sergeant who fly the helicopter. Burbank also operates a conventional turbine helicopter. The Notar replaces another conventional turbine helicopter that Burbank sold to Glendale.


“We’re thrilled to have it,” Hoefel said of the Notar.
