
Ads on Spacecraft

So Carole Lieberman is all aghast at the idea of a film studio promoting an action feature by buying space on a NASA rocket (“Ad Says Worlds About Us,” March 15). While Lieberman is wringing her hands, I’m already applauding with mine.

Having just computed my tax return, I rather welcome the notion that Columbia’s half-a-million bucks may ease the costs of tax-supported programs like NASA. So what if the movie makes it back? You or I can choose to pay to see it or not. Such is a liberty not accorded the taxpayer.

As to Lieberman’s disgust for such national commercialization, what does she call all that red, white and blue “free market” doctrine we’ve been extolling to the non-free world lo these many years? If she’d rather “smile faces” and “Have a nice day” platitudes adorn these billboards, let her pony up the $500,000.



Van Nuys
