
Legislators Need New Pair of Shoes

Admittedly, Sen. (Marian) Bergeson states that as a state senator she had opposed two education-related congressional bills of monetary sufficiency in favor of public schools.

However, as a superintendent of education, she would not oppose these same bills. She stated that “as a senator, you’re looking at a lot of things. . . . As superintendent, I would be an independent advocate for kids.” On hindsight this is probably why the Reagan-Bush philosophy of “trickle-down” economics didn’t work.

Overall, I agree with Sen. Bergeson’s approach to education from a superintendent’s point of view, but as a senator, she would have helped destroy the educational system.


In the future, we need to make all state legislators walk in the moccasins of lower county officials, especially in those counties that have the greatest monetary influence.


Yorba Linda
