
Bakersfield Bank Robber Eludes Pursuers in Chase Along Grapevine

A bank robbery here Friday led to a chase up and down the Grapevine, followed by an unsuccessful search for the suspect, authorities reported.

After a First Interstate Bank branch was robbed, officers chased a car they believed was driven by the robber onto Interstate 5, Police Sgt. Sid Unruh said.

However, the driver suddenly turned around and headed north down the mountain road in the southbound lanes to elude his pursuers, Unruh said.


Police found the vehicle, which had been stolen, abandoned in a restaurant parking lot at the base of the Grapevine about 25 miles south of Bakersfield. Police said a fruitless, four-hour ground and air search of the area followed.

In the afternoon, a report of a kidnaping on Interstate 5 was received, but investigators later ruled out any connection to the Bakersfield robbery and chase.
