
IRVINE : Celebrate UCI Event Scheduled Saturday

UC Irvine will open its doors to the public Saturday with a variety of activities and performances.

The annual Celebrate UCI day, which is expected to attract thousands, is designed to give the public as well as potential students a chance to learn about the campus and talk with university officials.

“This is basically an open house for the community to see what is going on at UCI,” said university spokeswoman Susan Menning.


Saturday’s events include:

* The Wayzgoose Medieval Faire at Aldrich Park, which features live bands, mimes, jugglers, marionettes and game booths. Student groups will sell a variety of ethnic foods at the fair, where guests are invited to dress in medieval-style clothes.

* Earth Day activities, to be held at Gateway Plaza. Student groups, environmental organizations, local businesses and government agencies will be on hand to answer questions, present exhibits and distribute literature.

* An open house at the UCI Arboretum.

Officials from UCI’s admissions, financial aid and housing offices will also be on hand to field questions from potential students.


On Sunday, the second annual Zot Trot five-kilometer run and walk will begin at 8 a.m. For more information on the run, call (714) 856-7361.

For more information on Celebrate UCI, call (714) 856-5181.
