
STUDIO CITY : Panel Backs Funding for Public Parking Lot

The Los Angeles Board of Transportation Commissioners has recommended that the City Council approve spending $2.1 million to pay for a first-ever public parking lot in Studio City.

The city Department of Transportation is proposing three sites for the lot, all in the busy 12200 block of Ventura Boulevard, between Laurel Grove Avenue and Laurel Canyon Boulevard. Each lot would yield about 80 parking spaces.

“This is something we’ve been working on for a long time,” said Tony Lucente, president of the Studio City Residents Assn., which spearheaded the effort to get funding for the lot.


The sites are existing parking lots. The department’s first choice is the lot behind Wells Fargo Bank, 12251 Ventura Blvd.; second is the lot behind Bank of America, 12223 Ventura Blvd., and third is the lot at 12229 Ventura Blvd., which houses various retail operations.

The first two sites could be converted to parking with relative ease, transportation officials said, but the third site would require demolition of a building.

In other business, the board recommended that the city lend the Library Department $500,000 from its parking fund to purchase land for expansion of the Studio City branch library.


Both recommendations must first be approved by the City Council.
