
Questionnaire Is Biased

In the questionnaire sent out by Congressman Elton Gallegly, he makes use of several response bias questions to assure your “no” reply. As a healthcare activist, question 10 was the one that really got my attention. The question reads as follows: “Do you support a national health care system like Canada’s, in which the government would decide which doctor you could go to and what medical services you could receive--and which would require hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes?” Now, what response do you think he is looking for?

As a proponent of Universal Health Care, even I would say no to that question the way it was phrased. The congressman should have mentioned that he plans to use your response to this question to oppose the American Health Security Act of 1993. I only ask that he read the bill.

The bill would allow everyone to go to the doctor or hospital of their choice. Secondly, no U. S. citizen will be denied medical services. Finally, the General Accounting Office has reported that a Canadian-style single payer system would reduce health-care costs by as much as $80 billion. This amount is now spent by more than 1,500 private insurance companies in “administrative overhead.” The savings would be sufficient to insure everyone, without deductibles, co-insurance, or the Oregon-style rationing plan.


For those that are on the congressman’s mailing list, and haven’t sent in the questionnaire yet, do so. In protest to the way he has tried to manipulate your repsonse, tear it up and mail it in. Maybe he will get the message that we deserve true representation, not manipulation.



Health Access

Ventura County
