
Lakewood Teen-Agers

“A Stain Spreads in Suburbia” (Column One, April 6) is but one of many articles in the past several weeks bemoaning the behavior of teen-agers at Lakewood High School. I do not want to sound like Dan Quayle blaming Murphy Brown for the problems of the world, but one cannot help but react to the recent segment of “Roseanne” in which her 15-year-old daughter has taken a room in a motel to have sex with her boyfriend. Should we really be surprised that teen-agers treat sex so cavalierly? As one of the arrested boys said in your article: “If a girl calls you up and says: ‘Come over, no one’s home,’ what do you expect . . . you’re going to go over there and talk?” Perhaps you could discuss the morals of TV producers for a change?


Studio City
