
Tolerance Is Truest Test of Civilization

Regarding “Bowed but Unbroken?” by Lynn Smith (March 22): My political science professors taught students that tolerance was the ultimate indicator of wisdom and integrity. Recent events regarding the abortion question find tolerance seriously lacking on both sides of the issue.

For those opposed to abortion (myself included), pro-life credibility has been horribly diminished by the killing of Dr. David Gunn.

On the other side, the pro-choice people show no tolerance whatsoever. Having participated in a few peaceful abortion protests, it is chilling to sense the hatred of the pro-choice people who shout obscenities at us for merely holding up a sign and praying.


An informed public listens to all sides of the issues. Instead we on both sides listen only to what tickles our ears and shout down any voice of dissent. Welcome to America’s post-civilized era.


San Diego
