
The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank...

The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank (Lifetime Monday at 10 a.m.) Despite a meandering, tedious conclusion, this 1988 TV movie is worthy and powerful, with Mary Steenburgen as the woman who hid Anne Frank and her family. With Paul Scofield as Otto Frank and Lisa Jacobs as Anne.

Bitter Rice (Bravo Monday at 8 p.m., Tuesday at 1 a.m.) The late Silvana Mangano became a star with this Italian neo-realist drama about the women who work the rice fields of the Po Valley.

Island of Lost Souls (AMC Thursday at 2:30 p.m., again at 7 p.m. and Friday at 1 a.m.) A hoot of a horror picture, a camp classic derived from H.G. Wells starring Charles Laughton as a mad scientist.


1900 (Cinemax Friday at 2:10 a.m.) Restored to its original five hours-plus running time, Bernardo Bertolucci’s 1976 epic can now be seen as a stupendous achievement in its ambitious attempt to trace the political history of Italy from the turn of the century to the end of World War II through the lives of landowner Robert De Niro and peasant Gerard Depardieu.
