
FORUM: Students, staff and parents with the...

FORUM: Students, staff and parents with the Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies are scheduled to sponsor a mayoral forum, followed by a mock election at 10 a.m. Monday. The center is at 10605 Ervin St., Reseda. For more information, call (818) 342-5175 or (818) 363-8153.

PLANTS: Myron Kimnach is to talk on the people and plants of Somalia; Overseers’ Room, Huntington Library, 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino; 2:30 p.m. Thursday (free).

SAVING McDONALD’S: Architecture historian Alan Hess will discuss the historical significance of Downey’s original McDonald’s restaurant. City officials will hold a strategy session on saving the endangered landmark, Thursday, 7:30 p.m., City Hall, 11111 Brookshire Ave., Downey.
