
Growth-Drug Issues Require More Study

I am writing regarding the Feb. 2 article “Growth Drug Debate: What Is Too Short?” As president of the nonprofit 48-chapter national Human Growth Foundation, I want to tell you how balanced the article was and how informative.

It is estimated that about 2 million people in America, many of them children, are shorter than 98% of their peers. Our national membership, which includes parents and children along with medical experts, is focused on providing as much information, education and support as these families need. The use of growth hormone is but one of the topics that concern us.

The controversy about the use of human growth hormone may require more study. Our foundation funds several medical and psychological studies every year evaluating various growth issues.


Our role as advocates for parents and children facing issues like idiopathic short stature is to support their needs to be fully informed about all medical options available to their children.

(The foundation toll-free number is (800) 451-6434.)


president, Human Growth Foundation

Falls Church, Va.
