
Where to Find Tomato Varieties

Some varieties mentioned in last week’s tomato story are available as plants in local nurseries, but others will have to be planted from seeds.

The seeds for Giant Belgium are available from Tomato Growers Supply, Box 2237, Fort Myers, Fla. 33902; (813) 768-1119. Seeds for Burpee’s Supersteak, Delicious and Super Beefsteak, can be ordered from Burpee Seed Co., 300 Park Ave., Warminster, Pa. 18991; (800) 888-1447.

Seeds for Golden Pearl and Ruby Pearl are carried by Shepherd’s Garden Seeds, 6116 Highway 9, Felton, Calif. 95018; (408) 355-5400. Seeds for Currant come from Nichols Garden Nursery, 1190 N. Pacific Highway, Albany, Ore. 97321; (503) 928-9280.


All these mail-order companies offer free catalogues with the exception of Shepherd’s, which costs $1.
