
Other Views on Greener Pastures

Regarding the over-defensive and short-sighted responses (March 14) to the article “California Here I Go,” (Feb. 21), the readers who are condemning the article are probably the type who refuse to believe that the California dream in which they have invested so heavily could possibly have a flaw. To them I say, wake up, folks.

The article relates some facts. I didn’t see anything that advocated we all start packing and hit the road. You can’t face a few truths which conflict with your vision, and you therefore want those facts suppressed. What we need is facts, and open-mindedness, not blind protectionism and a return to the practice of stoning the messenger.

Myself, I see that Las Vegas, and other parts of Nevada, are enjoying growth. I’m open-minded enough to appreciate the possibilities, and am giving serious thought to seizing the opportunity. Isn’t that what brought many of us to California in the first place? What is wrong with admitting other places are just as good, or better?



Thousand Oaks
