
Pasadena : PCC Semester to Start Early

Pasadena City College’s fall semester starts in August--a month earlier than usual--and high school seniors and continuing students should not delay applying to the school, college officials say.

The fall semester starts Aug. 17, bringing the college in line with the calendar of the University of California, Cal State campuses and most community colleges. The deadline to apply for summer school is June 18; for the fall semester it is Aug. 13. Admissions will close early if classes fill before the deadlines, said Stuart Wilcox, dean of admissions.

Because of the changes, the college will combine its two summer school terms into one. It will offer the same number of courses, officials say.


Administrators hope to speed up fall registration by using a phone registration system. Students will be given identification numbers and a time to register by touch-tone phone between May 10 and July 30.

The fall semester will end Dec. 21.
